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draw 3d curved line photoshop

If you want to learn how to draw a line in Photoshop CC, in this short tutorial I'll show you lot the popular methods to describe many types of lines—for example, how to draw a straight line, a curved line, or a dashed line.

What Yous'll Learn in This Photoshop Tutorial

  • How to draw a straight line in Photoshop
  • How to draw a curved line in Photoshop
  • How to draw a vertical/horizontal line in Photoshop
  • How to draw a line at any angle in Photoshop
  • How to change the thickness and color of the line in Photoshop

Follow along with usa over on our Envato Tuts+ YouTube channel:

one. How to Draw a Directly Line in Photoshop

Step ane

I'll bear witness y'all how to draw a direct line in Photoshop get-go. The easiest style is to utilize the tool designed for this purpose: the Line Tool (U):

select line tool select line tool select line tool

Pace 2

Set its Style to Pixels.

set mode to pixels set mode to pixels set mode to pixels

Stride 3

Then simply click and drag to describe a straight line at any angle.

draw a straight line in photoshop with line tool draw a straight line in photoshop with line tool draw a straight line in photoshop with line tool

Step 4

You can as well apply the Brush Tool (B). Click where you want your line to offset, hold Shift, and click the stop point of the line. Photoshop will draw information technology for you lot!

draw straight line with brush tool draw straight line with brush tool draw straight line with brush tool
These lines use your current brush as a base

two. How to Describe a Broken Line in Photoshop

Ok, but how do you draw a cleaved line in Photoshop? Y'all tin use the same method for this purpose. If you click outset, and then press Shift, y'all'll draw an individual straight line. But if you go on holding Shift and click over again, the end signal of the previous line will become the commencement bespeak of the new one. And then, remember the order: click and press Shift for a divide line, printing Shift and click for a continuous broken line.

broken lines in photoshop broken lines in photoshop broken lines in photoshop
1: click, printing Shift, click, release Shift, 2: click, printing Shift, click, click, click...

three. How to Describe a xc-Degree Line in Photoshop

Now let me show you how to draw a 90-degree line in Photoshop. The Shift cardinal is also useful hither. Concord Shift and start drawing to the left or right to depict a horizontal line, and upwardly or downward to draw a vertical line. Photoshop will straighten them for you.

90 Degree Lines in Photoshop 90 Degree Lines in Photoshop 90 Degree Lines in Photoshop

4. How to Describe a Curved Line in Photoshop

Step 1

And so that was a straight line, but how exercise you lot draw a curved line in Photoshop? Of form, you can use the Castor Tool (B) to merely draw whatever line y'all desire, only if you don't have a graphics tablet, it may be hard to command its shape. Permit'south use the Curvature Pen Tool (P) instead.

 Bend Line in Photoshop  Bend Line in Photoshop  Bend Line in Photoshop
How exercise you depict a curved line in Photoshop with a mouse? Yous could use the Brush Tool, but...

Step 2

The Curvature Pen Tool is hidden nether the Pen Tool menu:

select curvature pen tool select curvature pen tool select curvature pen tool

Step three

Set its Mode to Shape, remove the Fill, add a color to the Stroke, and accommodate the thickness of the line.

adjust shape settings adjust shape settings adjust shape settings

Step 4

This tool allows you to draw a curved line by clicking and dragging. The best matter nigh information technology is that the line stays fully editable—simply click and drag whatever of its points to change its shape. Command-click to cease drawing, and use the Directly Selection Tool (A) to select the line once more.

Curved Line in Photoshop Curved Line in Photoshop Curved Line in Photoshop
... the Curvature Pen Tool is much meliorate for this purpose!

You lot can larn more about using the Curvature Pen Tool here:

5. How to Depict a Dashed Line in Photoshop

Step 1

Hither'south how to describe a dashed line in Photoshop. If yous click the line adjacent to the Stroke thickness, y'all'll see a couple of presets—dashed lines included.

dashed line presets dashed line presets dashed line presets

Step 2

Click on your called preset and simply commencement drawing the line:

Dashed Line in Photoshop Dashed Line in Photoshop Dashed Line in Photoshop

Step 3

If you want to create your ain preset for a dashed line, click More Options...

add more dashed lines add more dashed lines add more dashed lines
Click "More Options" to create a custom preset for a dashed line

Step 4

... and arrange the settings. Click Save to salvage the preset for afterwards use.

custom dashed lines photoshop custom dashed lines photoshop custom dashed lines photoshop

6. How to Draw a Black Line in Photoshop

Step 1

If y'all're wondering how to draw a black line in Photoshop, information technology works the same for all colors. To draw a line of whatever colour with the Brush Tool (B) or other tool in the Pixels fashion, adapt the colour in the Color panel.

pick color for your pixel line pick color for your pixel line pick color for your pixel line
Utilise the Color Picker for your pixel lines...

Step 2

If you prefer the Curvature Pen Tool (P), or any other tool in the Shape way, suit the color in the Stroke console—you can do information technology even later the line is drawn.

change vector line color change vector line color change vector line color
... and the Stroke settings for your vector lines

7. How to Depict a Assuming Line in Photoshop

Pace one

If you desire to know how to draw a bold line in Photoshop, you lot have two options: either increase the size of the brush yous're drawing with using the square subclass keys ([), (])...

bold lines drawn in photoshop bold lines drawn in photoshop bold lines drawn in photoshop
The thickness of pixel lines can't be inverse once they're drawn...

Step 2

... or, if you're in Shape manner, just the thickness of the Stroke in the settings.

change line thickness change line thickness change line thickness
... merely vector lines are not limited this way!

8. How to Draw a 45-Caste Line in Photoshop

Step 1

But how to draw a 45-degree line in Photoshop, or whatever other angle for that matter? Hither's the play a trick on: utilize the Rotate View Tool (R).

select rotate tool select rotate tool select rotate tool

Step ii

Type your bending in the Rotation Angle field and press Enter.

rotate screen rotate screen rotate screen
Look at the icon next to the Rotation Bending field to see a preview of your line

Footstep 3

At present merely draw a straight line.

draw a straight line draw a straight line draw a straight line

Step 4

Press Escape to get back to the default view and see the line at the correct bending.

angled line in photoshop angled line in photoshop angled line in photoshop

Good Task!

Now you lot know how to depict a line in Photoshop! Information technology may non seem similar much, only every artwork starts with a line. Merely visit the graphics section of Envato Elements to see how simple lines can exist used successfully in graphic design.

how to draw a line in photoshop how to draw a line in photoshop how to draw a line in photoshop

If you desire to acquire more about the basics of Photoshop, here you can find a couple of tutorials for beginners:


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